Back in 2008 when Nokia was supporting a games platform, they came up with an idea to shoot three short commercials to promote their newest video game MEGAMONSTERS. These commercials were to be released virally and to be shot entirely with PUPPETS. Naturally, I was thrilled. I built three puppets for film, and 30 puppets… Read more »
Behind the scenes of Falling Skies
Nearing the end of Season 2 of Falling Skies, we were inundated daily with reporters, camera crews, and bloggers. One of the groups was there specifically to catch the behind the scenes with all things Skitters. Okay- so when they asked me to introduce Geoff Redknap I completely stumbled over his title, here’s why: Geoff… Read more »
The Puppet Life
A short film directed by Tracy D Smith starring Jeny Cassady and Charlie the Puppet.